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holly berries

holly berries (Ilex aquifolium)

141105 - not many berries, at least going by some photos I've seen, but maybe with a bit of TLC ...

not sure if it's a male or female plant, but it seems that whatever it is, there's another of the opposite sex near enough to pollinate for berries

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Female Fran, as it has lots of lovely berries. The male has no berries and tiny flowers that are barely visible. There must be a male holly fairly near to make the berries on your first pic.

12 Apr, 2015


thanks, Dorjac. I'd heard of one species where the "King" has berries so it ws obviously misnamed.

There's a small holly that was by the shed and is now in a tub: didn't notice any b erries on that, that might be the male?

12 Apr, 2015

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This photo is of "holly - shrub 19" in Franl155's garden

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