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Mangifera indica - Mango Fruit

Mangifera indica - Mango Fruit (Mangifera indica - Mango Fruit)

This is one of several larger fruit on this mango tree. The larger mangoes are the size of plums. Photo taken in San Diego, CA. on April 14, 2015.

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And,Plumeria in back. Two of my favorite tropicals. One day a Plumeria will be found here! I predict!

16 Apr, 2015


Yes, I was wondering if you were going to notice the Plumeria. It didn't have any flowers, yet. It's only 7' still just a baby.

I took a photo of the plumeria; however, it came out too dark. Since I pass this motel every time I workout at the Navy Gym. I'll get some photos in the future of it flowering.

16 Apr, 2015

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