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My new bed - all planted up...

My new bed - all planted up...

I don't think there's much room left now!

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Looks lovely

27 Apr, 2015


Thanks - I can't wait for everything to flower!

28 Apr, 2015


this looks very pretty and as you said the vinca had taken over. this will be lovely as it matures.

28 Apr, 2015


You will have to take a photo when they flower, I shall look forward to seeing it all in flower.

28 Apr, 2015


Thanks - of course I will! I'm looking forward to it, as well. :-)

29 Apr, 2015


30 Apr, 2015


Is it semi shade or full sun after lunch? What plants did you put in? It is quite good fun deciding in a new bed bit.

30 Apr, 2015


It gets more sun than I had imagined, B'bill. The right hand end is mostly shady, though.

I ended up squeezing in a few more plants I found at the Powderham Castle Garden Trust me!

In it I have: (deep breath!)

2 x Salvia 'Caradonna'
3 x Delphiniums (double flowered)
2 x Centaurea 'Cara Mia'
3 x Viola cornuta 'Alba'
3 x V. cornuta 'Lilacina'
V. cornuta 'Grovemount Blue'
3 x Campanula 'Iribella'
Phlox paniculata (a white one)
Ranunculus aconitifolia 'Flore Pleno'
3 x Lupin 'Gallery Blue'
2 x Polemonium 'Lambrook Mauve'
Centaurea Montana 'Amethyst in Snow'
Phlox subulata (can't remember its name)
Phlox stolonifera 'Fran's Purple'
Semiaquilegia 'Sugar Plum Fairy'
3 x Geranium 'Johnson's Blue'
2 x Aquilegia 'Virginia'
Aquilegia flabellata 'Cameo'
Clematis 'Blue Angel'

...and I think that's it....Phew!

4 May, 2015


wow, that must have taken some work! hopeyou gave your back and your knees some TLC afterwards.

How long and wide is the bed?

5 May, 2015


Goodness me how on earth did you get so many plants in there? It is obviously a great deal larger than it looks!! Going to look fabulous!

5 May, 2015


Thanks, Dd. I enjoy looking out of the window at it now! 100% better than the vinca. :-))

Yes, that photo is deceptive. I can't get the whole bed in, I'd need a wide angle lens. It must be about 10' long and maybe 5 - 6' in depth, more where the curve comes out.

Fran, I am not quite sure how I managed it now - sheer cussedness I think!

7 May, 2015


shoe-horn-itis Spritz, no cure though :o)

8 May, 2015


50-60 square feet, that's some going!

8 May, 2015


No, Sbg, absolutely no cure. Yes, Fran, it was...but WELL worth it. I am already eying up another bed that looks as though it would benefit from a make-over. ;-)

9 May, 2015


You obviously have the bit between your teeth now, will look forward to seeing it!!

16 May, 2015

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