all from my garden
By Franl155

1 May, 2015
150414 - wanted to cut them when the flowers were closed, by the time I remembered it was gone 10, so I was out with scissors and a torch!
Comments on this photo
I guess you are having a lot of surprises in your new garden this year Fran !
1 May, 2015
lol not half, Amy! new plants coming up that I don't recognise - and skimming my pics, bulbs planted eighteen months ago that came up last year but not so far this - actually I'd forgotten all about them till the photos reminded me. .
2 May, 2015
thanks, HB! I just took some photos and this was the best. But looking closer, I can see the reflected colour on the window frame, hadn't noticed that before.
i spent *ages* looking for that blue vase, knew I had it somewhere; turned out all cupboards to no avail - then saw that it was already on the windowsill - it had the seed pods in it. durr.
3 May, 2015
I'm brilliant at doing that - moving something to where I can't possibly overlook it - exceot that I do. And there's a large balck hole somewhere in here that holds everything I want to "keep in a sage place" . And when I do move something, all I can remember is where I moved it *from*, not where I moved it *to*. That's why my paracetamol used to live in the spice rack, and my best tape measure lives on the hall table.
9 May, 2015
I only have one pair, and they're hard enough to find once I take them off. I have to say aloud, "they're on the table" or "they're on the bench" when I put them down, so I'll have some idea where to find them again - of course I have to grope for htem all the same.
Did have two pairs once - I was talked into getting a pair of reading glasses (at £150!) but they weren't much use, and it was murder trying to find my proper specs again.
15 May, 2015
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thanks HB, They still opened and closed at the right time, amazing.
1 May, 2015