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grasses and Erysium Bowles Mauve

grasses and Erysium Bowles Mauve

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Nice combo,Holly..TheBowles mauve have been fantastic this winter,haven't they? I've just taking more cuttings from mine..they root so easliy..

10 May, 2015


Thanks Sandra... yes mines got a bit lost in the grasses... will have to have a sort out... will have to take some cuttings....

11 May, 2015


It's hard to find a non flowering shoot on them, I just nip the small flower head off,and they are fine.....

11 May, 2015


Thanks sandra... will have a go ... get some free plants.... :))))

11 May, 2015


I agree with Sandra the Bowles Mauve are lovely this year, must remember to take a couple of cuttings too;0)

11 May, 2015


Yes you must Carole... im going to this week... :))

12 May, 2015


I think mine have taken ok,as I gave them a little tug,and they stayed in the pot :o) of my impatient moments,I'm afraid :o) x

12 May, 2015


Lol .... glad they've taken ok.... do u put them round the edge of the pot or in middle... as I know cuttings are done this way...

12 May, 2015


Yes Holly,I have four around the edges..none in the middle..keep them shaded under cover,till they root..They don't take long to get going...

12 May, 2015


Thanks sandra... will have a go... nice to hear yours have taken....:)

13 May, 2015


Good luck Holly..:o)

13 May, 2015


Will let you know if they work... :))

14 May, 2015


:o)) x

14 May, 2015


I will have a go taking cuttings off mine too, it has grown huge!

14 May, 2015


I planted a cutting in my daughters garden last summer,and it is huge this year too.It was a new border we made,when they moved in,so as yet there isn't much else in it,except a small Golden King Holly ,and a few of my Crocosmias at the back ,so it has filled a bare gap nicely in the foreground..

15 May, 2015


Thats good to hear sandra.... hope mine work... :)

15 May, 2015


Yes Gee, give it a go ..... :)

15 May, 2015

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