Plumeria, Plumeria, Plumeria!
By Delonix1

13 May, 2015
My former neighbor has more than a thousand plumerias in the ground and in pots. It's overwhelming to see the hundreds of varieties. Photo taken May 12, 2015.
Comments on this photo
I grew plumerias up in the Bay Area (they so well in Hayward and Fremont). They are easy as long as it's grown in the ground in a protected area that doesn't have very wet soil in winter. The cold doesn't affect it so much not unless it stays below freezing for an extended period of time.
I only knew of two large trees up in the Bay Area (in the ground). One large tree in Mission San Jose, Fremont...and the other in Oakland. I don't know the fate of those trees, though.
14 May, 2015
I put the P.obtusa outdoors. It might not be very warm for another two weeks. It should be acclimated by then. A good looking plant...I wish it was as evergreen here as in the tropics. Mine couldn't shed fast enough in the cool of early December.
I'm thinking it still had Hawaiian metabolism. Possibly,as it adapts it might harden up. Palmbob says in soucals zone 9b its nearly evergreen.
16 May, 2015
I know Plumeria obtusa tolerates a lot of sun and heat. My P. obtusa which died a few years back, I used to grow outdoor in the Bay Area; however, I did bring indoors a few weeks before Christmas. I really miss my P. obtusa, it fried during a severe heat wave when the temps were above 107ºF for several hour and a total of 13 hr above 100ºF. My Plumeria was literally cooked. I need to get another one. I know of a few larger trees in my neighborhood. I may have to see if I can trade plants for a cutting with one of my neighbors. I'd like to get at least a 4' cutting, as they germinate easier.
17 May, 2015
I got mine from ebay- Kaui tropicals? it was a good 16". 8$+ 10$ or so shipping. They threw in the Plastic Pink for free.
I saw just today- Celadine has a flower bud forming. I hope by August it will bloom.
I only saw one 80f this May-May 1st. Very cool weather. I have sweatshirt on today.
17 May, 2015
There's so many large plumerias in my neighborhood, you wouldn't believe it. Practically every house has at least one.
It's become an extremely common shrub/tree in San Diego because of it's drought tolerance. The Southern California Plumeria is also another reason why they've become so popular, also. The price of plants which are at every nursery and big box store are relatively cheap, with the exception of trees more than 8' tall with many branches.
The weather has been very cool here the last week or so, only hovering in the upper 60's to low 70's. It may even rain again this coming week. This would be three weeks in a row with rain in's just unheard of in San Diego!
18 May, 2015
It must smell heavenly!
20 May, 2015
Yes, they smell heavenly! They're also enjoying the extremely rare rains we've been having in May. It's raining again, tonight. Of course, we're not complaining because of the extreme drought conditions in California.
22 May, 2015
So your rain dance has worked then!!
22 May, 2015
This for last night, not so much. Last week Thursday and Friday we had records rains (and flooding)...2 inches (51mm). 1.63 (41.4mm) inches last Thursday blew the previous record one day total of .25 inch (6mm) for the month of May away by a mile. Last week's rain was the most recorded in May ever! We typically receive no rain in May. This was very good; however, too little, too late it didn't make a dent in the extreme drought. Although, it was sure good for the very parched plants. :>)
22 May, 2015
They say, all this and the cool May temps are going to make for a long rainy season. El Nino.
I heard that before.
23 May, 2015
Typically, the weather is very hot and humid during a strong El Niño here in San Diego.
I really do hope we receive lots of rain this coming rainy season...we need it so desperately!
23 May, 2015
They've introduced water quotas now haven't they?
23 May, 2015
We've been on water restrictions since March or April. The water restrictions just keep getting stricter by the week, though. California hasn't figured out where to import water from.
23 May, 2015
That's about the stage of my Celadine and Plastic Pink. The Singapore Plummy is still indoors by a window. A few leaves on it,but I see many new claws on it.
IF only up here we could put them in ground. I've heard of a few tries in the valley heat that did well...and then a freeze killed it.
14 May, 2015