By Bathgate

20 May, 2015
looking for worms, slugs & snails and de-grubbing my lawn.
Comments on this photo
They certainly earn their keep don't they? This robin is a Thrush, I believe yours is a fly-catcher...two pretty birds.
20 May, 2015
Lovely. Colouring different to our Robins but they both do a good job of helping with the pests in the garden
30 May, 2015
That is so true. A pair has built a nest in my maple tree in my yard. They'll be sticking around for the summer.
30 May, 2015
Let's hope all goes well for them then.
31 May, 2015
They won't have to look far for worms and slugs. My garden is full of them. I also keep a cool bath out for them.
31 May, 2015
Yes I have three shallow water dishes for the birds Paul and the Hedgehogs drink from that as well
1 Jun, 2015
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Gardening with friends since
3 Sep, 2009
Aaaaw love robins I've had a pair following me round all day everywhere I've dug they're there beaks full of grubs, obviously a big family lol.
Yours looks slightly different to ours in the UK darker head :-)
20 May, 2015