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Iris germanica 'Flamingo Way'


By Siris

Iris germanica 'Flamingo Way' (Iris germanica (Orris))

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It's a beauty!

9 Jun, 2015


What a fabulous selection Sue ,we will look forward to photos next year :o)

10 Jun, 2015


Agree with Amy :-), all very healthy looking plants too.

10 Jun, 2015


Bought from an enormous garden centre in France, never seen such a huge space, but mostly bedding plants and vegetables. The Iris were in the car for several days. I have now potted them on till I have a space prepared to put them.

10 Jun, 2015


This flowered in 2016, it was not at all what the label says. It is actually over 1m and I believe to be a very old one called Giant Rose.

10 Nov, 2016


Yes, I was really disappointed. I would not have bought it if I knew what it turns out to be, and another that turned out to be incorrect. Another 2 have not flowered since I bought, so possibly more disappointment.

10 Nov, 2016


I have bought one called Magharee, which is this colour, from a reliable breeder.

10 Nov, 2016

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This photo is of "Bearded Iris 'Giant Rose?' (NOT 'Flamingo Way) " in Siris's garden

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