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Potentilla x tonguei for Andrew

Potentilla x tonguei for Andrew (Potentilla tonguei)

Happy to say that all three of these are growing well a month after planting.

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I just cut the dead heads off my yellow ones. I'm hoping they'll flower again later on. Much nicer than shrubby Potentillas I think!

25 Jul, 2015


I bought an un named one a couple of months ago,and it looks like it's going to be a spreader..luckily it has room to do so,for a while yet,anyway..Not sure,but I think it's a white one..we will see ! :o)

25 Jul, 2015


I agree with you on that, Karen.

Sandra, you bought an un-named one and it may be white? What are you like? :o)))

27 Jul, 2015


Lol,Shirley..I was just looking into my Crystal ball at the time ! Lol. I seem to think maybe it said'white' on the plantpot? but no label...anyway,whatever it is,it's growing fast ! I will post a photo if and when it flowers :o) xx

27 Jul, 2015


Well, let's hope it doesn't grow too fast and takes over! :o)

28 Jul, 2015


Don't worry,Shirley,I will be keeping a close watch on it..:o)

28 Jul, 2015


Ha ha Sandra ... just sent you a PM :o)x

28 Jul, 2015


Thanks Shirley,just read it,thank you..been a bit engrossed in checking out a Tiger bee Fly ! :o) x

28 Jul, 2015


Lol Sandra ... but at least we got a Gold Star each! :o)

28 Jul, 2015


Lol,Shirley..we wouldn't have settled for anything less ! :o)

29 Jul, 2015


Indeed, Sandra! :o)

29 Jul, 2015

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Pictures by shirley_tulip
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This photo is of species Potentilla tonguei.

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This photo is of "Potentilla x tonguei" in Shirley_tulip's garden

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