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Fuchsia Four × Grape Splash

Fuchsia Four × Grape Splash

A poly trying to look like a double.

Comments on this photo


What a bright pink, pity about the form.

27 Jul, 2015


The way the petals stand up makes it look bigger than it is. We need a couple of Bad Boys in the garden :]

28 Jul, 2015


Thought it was two flowers at first, like it!!!

29 Jul, 2015


You got a piece of this last year. It normally blooms earlier than this.

29 Jul, 2015


Loosing track of what I've got Wylie just been out to check and mine has buds just emerging ,very late ! but something to look forward to :-)

29 Jul, 2015


I would be lost without the flower program I use. I got an external storage unit to work, and the first thing I am putting in it is my rough draft of what I want to keep - complete with photos and locations.

29 Jul, 2015


Yes that does sound a good idea I really must look into it , better than exercise books with crossings out when things get moved ,very confusing, you're so organised ;-)

30 Jul, 2015


cor look at that , I need my sunglasses lol

3 Aug, 2015


With this and the enormous hibiscus, it would be a goos idea. :]

3 Aug, 2015

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