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Eryngium ... Miss Willmotts Ghost


By Amy

Eryngium ...  Miss Willmotts Ghost

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I love the name.

28 Jul, 2015


I love everything about it! is it easy to grow?

28 Jul, 2015


I do to Paul , it isn't difficult Carole these plants have been on going for several seasons .....

28 Jul, 2015


You must of course know why it is called Miss Wilmot' Ghost, cause she used to have seeds of this in her pockets, when visiting other peoples' gardens, secretly dispersing them.

28 Jul, 2015


Very nice photo of it Amy.

28 Jul, 2015


Very Spooky Amy..... Lovely

28 Jul, 2015


Thanks for that Info . Sue I didn't know that we learn something new every day on here , Thanks Klahanie / Val I'm glad you like it :o)

28 Jul, 2015


That's super :)

28 Jul, 2015


I love all the Eryngiums,Amy, Spiky and spooky! I didn't know why it was called that either..very interesting..I really daren't have one of these because of the children..not a touchy feely plant for them !

28 Jul, 2015


Just had to buy a new plant after growing it in the garden for over 30 years!! Siris it is amazing how many people do not know the story behind the plant, has been a favourite of ours for many years, like the Silibum, that didn't return this year either.....

28 Jul, 2015


No its not something you want the children to get near Sandra far to spiky ! wow 30 years Angela , well I guess it could be here long after us then !

29 Jul, 2015


I thought it was biennial, but no perennial!

29 Jul, 2015


It has come up in the same place for the last ten years in this garden, but not this year.....
Amy its a fantastic plant to have......I think I posted a pic on here many moons ago....

29 Jul, 2015

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