Daylily (Memories of Oz x Ottis Leonard) x (Summer Star x Heavenly Curls)
By Simbad

10 Aug, 2015
I've loved all the seedlings from this cross so far, thanks Wylie :-), this is the one that needs propping up for a photo hopefully stronger scape next year and it has a proliferation, even the nice green throat you love Wylie ;-), 6.5inch flowers.
2013 seedling
Comments on this photo
It is a UFO Spatulate type. These seem to dance and twist above the plant. And the way it goes into a green throat makes you stop and look.
11 Aug, 2015
Windmills in your mind!
11 Aug, 2015
The Spiders are something you either love or hate Siris :-), as Wylie says a clump of them in flower is quite a sight and I love them ;-)
I don't have any UFO spatulate Wylie and this was on the keeper list the minute I saw it :-)
13 Aug, 2015
Don't hate, just not convinced.
13 Aug, 2015
When you see Freewheelin in flower you will be ;-)
13 Aug, 2015
Actually, you do have a UFO Crispate-Cascade-Spatulate one (all that on one flower!): Heavenly Curls. Both parents of the pollen parent are spatulate, so it passed it on here.
14 Aug, 2015
Ooooh yes silly me !!! I'm having a moment lol .
14 Aug, 2015
Oh can' t wait to see freewheelin for real, seen it on google, looks super. Q. Do most spiders take a year to settle after moving like Long Stockings?
14 Aug, 2015
No Siris your Freewheelin division flowered on the allotment this year after being split last year :-)
14 Aug, 2015
Oh, I am so excited. You enthusiasm for Daylilies is catching. I do not want to wish away what is left of my senior years, but roll on next year, new plants, new flowerings.
15 Aug, 2015
Watchful Lavender Blue is a lovely one too, very pretty colouring, which was split last year and smothered in flowers this ;-)
16 Aug, 2015
Watchyl Lavender Blue has been reblooming for me - even though it wasn't registered as doing that - even fewer problems opening all the way.
16 Aug, 2015
No sign of rebloom on mine!
Been clearing some of the dying foliage in the daylily bed today looks much tidier now, mind you our tabby cat visitor was no help he was in a very fussy mood kept jumping on my back demanding attention some very sharp nails on him too!
17 Aug, 2015
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Is this a case of 'the emperor's clothes. I am unable to see its assets.
10 Aug, 2015