The Garden Community for Garden Lovers



By Derekm


Comments on this photo


How's this looking now ?

16 Nov, 2015


Hi Tt, it has a few more plants in now, but not much flowering at the moment, Derek.

16 Nov, 2015


Your garden seems to be on quite a slope ?

16 Nov, 2015


Hi Tt, yes it is, plus 17 steps altogether, in 3 lots, I used to think it had character, now it just has steps!!!, Derek.

16 Nov, 2015


That sounds like quite a challenge !

17 Nov, 2015


Wow just looking and found your Trachycarpus fortunii Derek looks fantadtic how long did it take to grow so tall.

24 Jan, 2018


Hi, it was about 2ft 6" when I bought it, which is about 10 years ago, but that photo is over 2 years old, so about 18" taller now, Derek.

24 Jan, 2018


You ve looked after it well then Derek its s a good size in the photo must look great now being larger your lucky to have such a beauty.

24 Jan, 2018


Hi, I thought I had paid a lot for it when I bought it,[£60], but looking on the internet for 1 the same size that mine is now, would cost me round about £400, so worth the initial investment, Derek.

25 Jan, 2018


Wow what a bargain you got Derek defiently a good investment . I know plants here are getting more expensive some more than double the price than they were two years ago.

25 Jan, 2018


I bet you get plenty of exercise too Derek!
Love the trachycarpus! Mine was damaged several years ago when an extension was built, sadly. Wasn’t a big one, but, they are expensive.
What type of tree is it on the left edge of the picture?

12 May, 2019


Hi Kate, you're right, I do get plenty of exercise, just going up and down the steps, without the jobs I need to do as well, the 'Trachy' trunk is now taller than the fence, which is 7ft, I took 22 fronds off it a couple of weeks ago, the tree you mention is a Pyrus calleryana, a member of the pear family, but only produces small inedible fruits, [just large seeds really about the size of a black pepper], I grew this from seed I collected about 14/15 years ago, when we visited my son in Atlanta, it first flowered a few years ago, and then didn't flower for about 4 years, then with the hot summer last year, the leaves turned a deep purply scarlet colour, and this year has been covered in blossom, this is also a lot larger than it looks in the photo now, Derek.

12 May, 2019


Hi Kate, I've just remembered there's a photo of this in flower in 2014, it's on page 2 of my photo's, 4th row down, 2nd 1 along, Derek.

12 May, 2019


Thanks Derek, that’s amazing! It sounds very pretty! Must’ve been lovely to see it start from a tiny seed to a beautiful specimen now!
I’ll pop on and have a look :)

13 May, 2019

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