Not my palms..
By Stan510

8 Sep, 2015
These are Mountain palms- Parajubaea. I think,P.cocoides. Not sure.
What we call in the bay area one of the "Coconut" looking palms. It can reach over 30' here,maybe over 40'.
Comments on this photo
Union City- right on Mission blvd. They have planted a few here and there. One of the city landscape guys has really planted up all kinds of subtropicals on public property.
Howea's,Bizmarckia, Floss tree's ,Jacaranda's,Wine palms, King palms,Brachychitons,Auracaria's. There is even a public park with all kinds of Sabal blue palms.
Bottle tree's..just stuff you usually only see here in botanical gardens.
8 Sep, 2015
They look great! It's good to see and hear about more tropicals being planted around the Bay Area.
11 Sep, 2015
Pictures by stan510
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What else?
This photo is of species Parajubaea.
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Gardening with friends since
9 Sep, 2008
Are these in Hayward? They look great!
8 Sep, 2015