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Incendiary × Catcher in the Eye

Incendiary × Catcher in the Eye

This has become better as it has aged - it is now 3 years old.

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Matured Wylie!

11 Sep, 2015


Great eye and wonderful wide edge too.
I had a lovely one open on the allotment bit flattened by the rain though,nothing like the first flowers which I didn't even photograph, huge spider over 10inch very dark purple have to wait till next year to see how it goes though the rest of the scapes been snapped :-(

21 Sep, 2015


That is such a shame, Simbad.

21 Sep, 2015


Its a good job I saw the flower though Siris it was on the to go list ;-)

21 Sep, 2015


Did you snap the other scapes or was it scape bursting?

22 Sep, 2015

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