Adenium arabicum - Desert Rose Flower
By Delonix1

29 Sep, 2015
This is my other Desert Rose which blooms off-and-on for many months. It has gotten a large caudex in two years. Photo taken at night on Sept. 29, 2015.
Comments on this photo
It's a plastic pot siting in a ceramic pot. I just planted it in this pot last year and it's bursting out of its pot, already.
7 Oct, 2015
Just kidding ya!
8 Oct, 2015
I wanted to add as they grow larger they produce a lot more flowers. My plant has grown very quickly in two years...especially with all the heat we've had.
I may have to shelter my Adeniums outdoors a little especially if we get all the rains that are predicted.
8 Oct, 2015
Mine was slow to acclimate to the outdoors back in June. I might try the front porch this winter Andy. IF we get El Nino? back to the indoors for it.
How fast they can collapse is scary.
10 Oct, 2015
I've had two rot because of watering them too much in winter. And yes, they can die quickly. My original plant 10 years old lived outside through the very wet winter of 2004/05 without any problems, though. I think it was a miracle or they like a lot more water when they're younger and less when older.
My plants are really putting on a lot of leaves. You've probably have heard about our very horrible heat wave which we're experiencing right now. Yesterday it was 103 today 100 the morning lows have been 76 degrees. It's insanely HOT! We've had heat advisories since Friday and it's suppose to end tomorrow. However, heat with a lot of humidity is forecasted for most of next week.
11 Oct, 2015
I just heard the morning guy say "Its going to be 90f in mid October? huh". Not as hot as soucal...but plenty over our usual average.
Not more then two days after we had very light rain too.
11 Oct, 2015
I see it's forecasted to be low 90's for Hayward. I would welcone low 90's.
It's already 82ºF (here where I live) at 9:43 a.m. It's going to be another scorcher! Today we're under heat advisories, again! I do remember it being hot like this at this time of year; however, I don't remember the nights and morning lows being so damned HOT! This morning's low was 76ºF. It's crazy! There's tropical clouds moving up from the south, so maybe it won't be 100ºF today.
12 Oct, 2015
The west coast USA has seen a spectacular forewarning of global warming. Whales have been drawn in to SF bay in numbers. Feeding ,breaching,bumping little boats. Dead whales used to be rare...there have been seven dead whales wash up over the summer. One inside the bay and stuck in those old pilings you see here. A 35' whale.
Then,yesterday,a Great White was seen-for the first time ever- killing and feeding on a seal in SF Bay. Check out SF Gate today for photos. If you look at local tv channels -KNTV,KPIX,KTVU, you see it recorded.
And yep Andy- those lows have not been very low even up here. Thats the warm blob over the Pacific,they say.
What torture-- great tropical plant growing weather,only no water!
And I'm lucky its only 8% reduction in Hayward. Some here take that to mean NEVER water. A really nice local home that had 4 big Dicksonia tree ferns,let them die. wow.
12 Oct, 2015
Pertaining to weather and ocean temps, everything is out of whack! Last night was another very hot night. The heat is just relentless, it's going to be another very hot day. We're so tired of it. The tropical plants of course, if they get enough water are loving it. We got a few big drops of rain yesterday morning and lots of tropical clouds...then they moved out and the temps skyrocketed!
It's really sad to hear about all the plants/trees that are suffering and dying from the extreme, historical drought! :>(
We're suppose to get some rain on Wednesday and Thursday. I'm hoping for a lot of rain!
13 Oct, 2015
WC says 94f,my backyard thermo says 92f. Oh,its hot. I thought last year this time with 80's was hot..we passed that.
13 Oct, 2015
Stan, I know it can be hot this time of year in the SF Bay Area; but, not quite that hot.
I just can't get over the constant morning lows in the mid to upper 70's. That's only typical for late July through early Sept. The very high temps aren't too unusual, though.
14 Oct, 2015
Pictures by Delonix1
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This photo is of species Adenium arabicum - Desert Rose.
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What the heck?? Is that in a Styrofoam coffee cup?
Its in dire need of more room.
Great looking caudex.
Mine is just now sending out one bloom. They wont shower anybody in petals..but are still great ,interesting plants.
7 Oct, 2015