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Gladiolus papilo.....

Gladiolus papilo..... (Gladiolus papilio (Goldblotch Gladiolus))

A gift from Siris..... and doing very well in our garden!

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Errr - it did TOO well in mine and had to go.

11 Oct, 2015


Lovely. Do you know the 'glad', Acidanthera? Saw it in a garden recently - it's a must have - you will love it!

12 Oct, 2015


Dd, was advised to keep it in a pot, because of it's habit of going walk about!
The Glad acidanthera, I have in a pot sunk into the ground, then overwintered in the garage, cause I don't find it reliable outside.

12 Oct, 2015


That's lovely.....

12 Oct, 2015


Thanks for the warning, Siris :)

13 Oct, 2015


I shall keep a beady eye on it then Andrew and Siris...
I have tried to grow the Acidanthera before, had no joy though, it is a beauty Sheila I agree....

14 Oct, 2015


My Acidanthera pot is under the carport at present. I will start withholding water, then when completely dry put the pot in the garage. In spring repot in new compost and bring into growth in the conservatory, then sink the pot in the ground for summer. The G. papilio often leave the sunken pot overwinter in the garden, till congested.

14 Oct, 2015


That is really nice DD!

14 Oct, 2015

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This photo is of "Gladiolus papilo.." in Dottydaisy2's garden

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