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Salvia 'Hot Lips' for Siris :-)


By Simbad

Salvia 'Hot Lips' for Siris :-)

Look how that tiny cuttings come on!
Thanks for the info on this one Siris, interesting that it has different coloured flowers :-)

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Hotbody, I think. (Hotlips truely) I have just put a pic up of the various flower colours on the Hotlips plant from which this cutting came. Dd, from where the original came said hers flowered differently each time. I do like the red. After mine flowered as a small cutting, I cut it right back and next flowering, white flowers.

12 Oct, 2015


It confused me as it does have a bit of white, this plant is quite large so much cutting material
but a bit late now isn't it? Unless I use my heated propagator I'd have loads next year then :-)worth a try!
Off to look at yours now.

12 Oct, 2015


What a colour you have there!

12 Oct, 2015


Beautiful. My Royal Bumble is all red but when I think of Hot Lips, I picture red with a tinge of white, weird how the flowers vary. Hubby has installed a tube heater in my cold frame to give my cuttings a bit of frost free security over the winter :-) Ive taken cutting of S black and blue and S amstrad - frightened of losing them.

13 Oct, 2015


I keep my rooted cuttings overwinter in our conservatory with just tubular heaters. Have another Hotlips in there, keep chopping it back to make it more bushy for next year, as I think the ones in the garden are rather straggly.

13 Oct, 2015


Thanks Wildrose:-)
That sounds a good idea Dawn another job for Rob! Lol
Yes I do that with things that need to be frost free Siris there's a radiator in our sunroom that's just kept on very low.

13 Oct, 2015


Sounds like I need a conservatory.! Haha Kathy, our men will never be bored in retirement.

13 Oct, 2015


True Dawn, Rob came in the other day and said he wanted to go back to work for a rest!!
Maybe John could build you a conservatory that'd keep him busy for a while, just don't tell him I said that lol.

13 Oct, 2015


Haha Kathy, I will give it a try. I'm fancying a chucky pergola from the back door down the side of the extension, with a glass roof so that I can have climbers and underneath a nice L-shaped patio sofa :-)

John never stops working, nor do I, the old saying retired people say about how they had time to go to work, rings true.

19 Oct, 2015


That is so true Dawn we've been to the tip four times this morning with trailers full of things we've been cutting back and hedge cuttings, more to do this afternoon. Now Robs digging out a waterfall into the pond !
Lake District for a couple of nights later this week though for a rest! so Danielle and her boyfriend are cat sitting.
Your extension sounds lovely sure John can whip you one up ;-)

19 Oct, 2015


You sound VERY busy.Whoo the waterfall sounds nice :-) Yes, I'm sure John can knock one up, lol, I just need to pin him down or should I say, drag him out of the garage from tinkering with motorbikes, mind you, bless him, as I type he's repairing the wheel barrow (my trusty steed). Enjoy your well earned rest.

19 Oct, 2015


Oh motorbikes, Robs looking for a winter hobby and has been looking at scooters to do up, nearly bought one last week but luckily he has a mate who has done a few and he checked it out for him first, the frame number had been cut out or something?? So he didn't bother.
Thanks Dawn its bound to rain lol but we don't care, looking forward to some nice walks :-)

19 Oct, 2015


Lucky escape then Kathy. John's into old british motorbikes like Triumphs, so Rob's a Mod and Johns a Rocker lol. I like rain, we need some here. Probs it will rain in The lakes and your garden will remain dry.

19 Oct, 2015

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