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Starting to look tidy.

Starting to look tidy.

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Im amazed that your rhus hasn't even turned red yet!

1 Nov, 2015


Some years it never turns it just drops its leaves. I thought it would turn this year but not yet! Its the wet that spoils it. The ground was hard work digging today, stuck to the trainers and was like lifting weights when I went off the border. Pleased with results though, still lots to do but at least the weather has allowed me to get a good start on it all.

1 Nov, 2015


Your garden ALWAYS looks tidy!

1 Nov, 2015


thank you wildrose, not always though, only take pictures when its tidy - that is the trick. lol.

1 Nov, 2015


Looking good!
I've been tidying & planting too, I know just what you mean about lifting weights. It's still very wet even tho we've had 2 dry days.

2 Nov, 2015


Its the time of year for clod hopping I am afraid in the borders, never happy us gardeners, no rain, want rain too much sun, need rain then we get too much in one go and everything is sodden wet just when we need to be out there working on the borders. lol. ah well that's life.......

2 Nov, 2015


Yes, and those heavy clods are exactly the ones I was lobbing last week! No wonder I 'm tired!

2 Nov, 2015


I'm trying not to tread on the borders but reaching across kills my back even with using the back support, the grass is also suffering from my footfall - really I could do with wings or some kind of hover attachment, lol.

3 Nov, 2015


how about a jet back pack Greenfinger, then you could float over the borders and just hover around until it was all done. lol. the mind is boggling with what sort of contraptions we gardeners could do with, hovercraft with blades for grass cutting lol.

3 Nov, 2015


They've already done that one, they call it a hovermower but the jet pack for gardeners would be a real goer I'm sure.

4 Nov, 2015

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