The first of many rooms for the 'Bug Hotel'
By Paulspatch

10 Nov, 2015
I have been working on my bug hotel(I wrote about my plans in my blog a few days ago ...asking for your ideas/advice for materials to use....) I have taken pictures but will compile them all into a blog when it is finished.I still need more ideas for materials to collect/use.Today was more a case of constructing the framework(around/inside the pallet) and fixing it securely to the fence. But, I managed to make a little start of putting some materials in.This is a length of plastic downpipe which I brought with me from our old house(leftover from when we had a new roof put on the garage 3 or 4 years ago.) .I have filled it one end with corrugated cardboard in a roll and the other end with canes, flower stems of various plants all with differing size holes and some plastic drinking straws. It's the first 'room' of many in the Bug Hotel.
Comments on this photo
Yes, that's a good idea, the flower pots.i am using varying size terracotta pots filled with different has chestnut shells(I don't know if they will be used but we'll soon see) another will have pine cones another stuffed with straw and I think there's another I haven't filled yet.
For the bees/ladybirds/lacewings etc I have drilled varying size holes into the framework of the hotel(an old pallet) as well as having these and other hollow sticks etc.
10 Nov, 2015
I have seen a big insect house made from a pallet it will be exciting collecting materials to pack into it ,the funny thing is with the one Hubby made almost every day some of the canes are pulled out by several inches we don't know whats doing it some one suggested its birds looking for the insects ,it will be interesting to see if the same thing happens with yours ...
10 Nov, 2015
OH made one of these in an old wooden box, and it seemed to be well used. Then it had a few spiders's webs across it, so I'm not sure who benefitted most! I always set up a couple,though. I think they are a great idea. A large one in a pallet will be very impressive!
11 Nov, 2015
I've collected a few more materials today Amy.
I only have room for one pallet placed upright, on end Melchi.......although I've seen some very impressive examples with 5 or 6 pallets. Mine has to look presentable too as it is visible from the house, through the greenhouse!!
It's coming on and I expect to have it finished within a couple of weeks and I will then do a phot blog with the finished item!!
11 Nov, 2015
Look forward to it!
13 Nov, 2015
The blog is up now Melchi.....the hotel is finished!
17 Nov, 2015
Pictures by paulspatch
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Thats good Paul the insects will love a home in there , I bought an insect box from a store it was so popular the Mason bees soon filled the canes I bought a second one to put up beside it that is filling up as well ,My hubby made me one which is much nicer than the bought ones he made it square shaped he put little 1" flower pots in it for bigger insects or birds ...
10 Nov, 2015