To Think This is all Covered In Concrete Now.
By Paulspatch

8 Nov, 2015
Was just scrolling through my iPad photos and found this image of my Lillies in the old garden. Some of you will have seen my pictures in a blog a few weeks ago, showing that the new owners have chosen to dig everything out and cover the whole area of the front garden with concrete which is now, in turn, being covered with block pavers.and, it's quite an area......I should think you'd get 10//12 cars in there easily......maybe they are considering turning it in to a used car showroom!!
Comments on this photo
9 Nov, 2015
What a shame. They obviously have no soul.
9 Nov, 2015
It makes you want to cry ...
9 Nov, 2015
This happens far too often, Paul, such a shame. :o(
9 Nov, 2015
Oh Paul, it makes you want to weep.
9 Nov, 2015
I actually think there should be a law against concreting over a whole garden like that, its a disgrace really and no help to the environment whatsoever. Half that area..ok..they need somewhere to park cars..and put the rest to low maintenance gravel. But concrete? Stupid.
9 Nov, 2015
Its a sin you should of taken them with you Paul put them in pots like I do or black bags till you got sorted the other end I would rather of given them to friends .
I learned years ago when exchanging homes people are very greedy and lazy. One woman asked me to leave my curtains as they matched the wall paper bare in mind I was in rented council she said she would leave hers I agreed even though hers were crap , when I got to the house she had taken every thing even the fitments to the rails every thing except the muck of the house yet I a one parent left mine spotless she had 2 grown girls and husband .
So I got my son on the last load to bring my curtains and rails next day they would nt allow me to get my little girls proper wooden play house in the garden I had to get the police who said they could nt do any thing so I climbed the gate as they locked them and took it after taking it apart. If she or her husband would of returned I would of taken them apart too believe me. Now I would poison ever plant or chuck in the bin rather than leave it for some one else and left instructions to do so if I die. As its not the first time I ve had this done on me and these are christian church goers people each time greedy and con people more like it. One even ordered 500 pounds worth of fishing tackle for me to sign for with intent for me to pay even their milk bill they left they expected me to pay so I told the milk man their new address and refused to sign for the fishing tackle.
9 Nov, 2015
Blimey Dawn....u were unlucky. Although when we moved into that house 12 years ago, the lady we bought from took all the curtains ,pelmets etc....she even took the bolt off the bathroom door but left tones of rubbish and buckets of oil etc in the garden for us to dispose of.
Thanks everyone for your co,,nets.
Yes, it is very sad..the daft thing is they have a garage with a driveway leading to it that holds 3 cars at a squeeze but two one in garage (at side of house)but the neighbour's say they have never once used garage or drive..too lazy to open the gates , probably!!!
I thought it was now illegal to cover front gardens in concrete .I thought the law now said you must use permeable materials...Ie( block paving(the water escapes through the joins) laid on sand ...or gravel etc.
What they have done will certainly not help the rainwater drain away.
9 Nov, 2015
The whole of my life I ve been unkucky Paul if only you knew. Yes there are a lot of ugly people out there Paul when my sister was selling her house they wanted her curtains as she and my other sister had a business making curtains mainly for the big houses the woman threatened to take my sister to court for the curtains she lost curtains are not fixtures and fittings the rails may be.
Yes I thought the same that it had to be where the water could be absorbed into the ground with a certain type of slab or block paving as you said. Yes lazy seems the word I am a great believer in karma Paul I hope one day you walk by and see all that concrete cracked and weeds popping through.? nature is stronger than concrete.
9 Nov, 2015
Well, I'm sure they will never pull a weed out dawn.
9 Nov, 2015
I have just copied/pasted this from RHS, it would appear they could be breaking the law. They should apply for planning permission.
'Laws are now in place that require most non-permeable, traditional driveways to have planning permission - whether new or replacement. '
9 Nov, 2015
Ha ha Paul good on you I bet they did nt ask for permission from planning told you karma he he
Nope that would mean work if they cant open gates they surely wont bend down to pull a weed.
We have to learn by these horrid things Paul with what people do its made me a recluse and now I never help any one only family even with giving them ideas here in this city its their loss not mine . I would rather look out upon nature than concrete.
9 Nov, 2015
Well, he will have problems with rain water flooding the area.......serve him right.
9 Nov, 2015
The council will make them dig it all back up if they have got planning permission Linda.?
9 Nov, 2015
They will, no doubt have flooding problems, Linda......many of the gardens around that area do(I still look after a few gardens in that road/surrounding roads) the front garden there never flooded but the side one did a little.
The council will only know, of course Dawn if a neighbour tells them..but, also, of course....they may tell fibs and say the pavers aren't on solid concrete but, we know the truth, don't we?!
10 Nov, 2015
Your legacy lasts as long as you own the property. I've seen magnificent old trees...cut down the first week new owners moved in.
Then,you have the flippers who cut everything down in front to show off their improvements.
Parks departments are brutal too. Huge Jacaranda's were cut down locally- no effort to move them.
Its ignorance.
11 Nov, 2015
Some people just don't appreciate plants and nature. It's sad :(
11 Nov, 2015
Yes.....move a tree or any plants to park a car!!!!
I shouldn't let it worry me but I just think it's sad.I remember, quite a few years ago, a couple who lived opposite us asked me to go up stairs to their bedroom and look at my garden from their window.they said it was such a lovely sight and they loved waking up,in the morning and let owing out on it. What a lovely thing for them to they look out on grey paving!!!
11 Nov, 2015
We do Paul know the truth it may not be a neighbour Paul who tells it could be some one from the council . What people dont realise any worker for Council even dustbin men have to report back what they have seen in each area which has changed eg rubbish in gardens etc especially council home or housing association repair workers that get to see in side and out then we have drones watching us in replace of police so who knows Paul how long before they are sussed.
14 Nov, 2015
Probably not until it starts causing flooding.
15 Nov, 2015
what a nightmare to see your plants in concrete. When we sold a house, the buyers insisted that their lawyer write in concrete, not one plant, bush, tree, or fence to be removed. Several months later the whole place was bulldozed and nothing remained but chain linked fences It really is astounding what people do. Why do they buy beautiful spots and then change them to car lots???
27 Nov, 2015
Lets hope then Paul it floods soon?.
27 Nov, 2015
These people didn't do anything legal about it but they made it clear they wanted the plants Wells!and then they just let the garden go wild for 8months then had it all cemented over.
I've now heard, Dawn, that they have applied for planning permission to extend out 3 meters at the side and back! There'll be nowhere left for the water to drain away so flooding is very likely.
27 Nov, 2015
27 Nov, 2015
?? haha Paul I hope they are refused and made to rip up what is already laid or better still allowed they then might be taken away with the flow and end up in Timbuck 2.?
28 Nov, 2015
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