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Sideways on but tidy ready for the sunshine which is just around the corner - IT IS, IT IS, IT IS!!!

Sideways on but tidy ready for the sunshine which is just around the corner - IT IS, IT IS, IT IS!!!

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We would all like to believe that Oliveoil!!

9 Jan, 2016


We have snow so sunshine has a bit of a while to go. Happy New Year. X

9 Jan, 2016


You just reminded me....I need new chairs for the front patio!

9 Jan, 2016


I looked on line yesterday but did not find any bargains!

10 Jan, 2016


Mum, if you wash those down with Algon or patio clear (or industrial vinegar if Paul could get some) they'll be as good as new with a coat of preservative.

10 Jan, 2016


We had sunshine here today ! Yay ! phlox has at last got a new home, plus I've moved two Hydrangeas which were in the wrong place and went digging on the allotment this morning ! So please send more sun Barbara !
I've really enjoyed myself today !

10 Jan, 2016


Karen, Two of them have been repaired but not holding very well, will have to have my saw out and try again. They will be fine once the weather dries up. I do like them to look a bit rustic.

Rose, Sunshine here too it was lovely outside and I got another border tidied up for summer. Doesn't it make you feel so much better being able to get outside and do some clearing up. Sending more sunshine to everyone, its what we all need. :O)

10 Jan, 2016


Has gone very cold, about time....but dry for the spring is on hold at the moment..

12 Jan, 2016


cold here too and quite damp :O(

12 Jan, 2016


Its gone again Barbara ! Sulking ! Hahaa!

12 Jan, 2016


If you say so Barbara, I'm going to believe you.

13 Feb, 2016


lol :O) it is on its way Waddy, nice and bright out there at the moment!!! :O)

14 Feb, 2016


Snow and hail here today! Are you sure you've got it right?

14 Feb, 2016


the wind is coming from the North Waddy and blowing my wig off lol. we had a flurry of snow yesterday and overnight but its sunny if not warm. lol. off to walk and look at the snowdrops but I shall be in quickly I am sure!!!

15 Feb, 2016


I was out in the neighbours garden yesterday, wearing several layers of clothing, it was very cold, but the sunshine was welcome. Lots of signs of spring I'm happy to say. :-))

17 Feb, 2016


Been out in some beautiful sunshine today tidying out the peace garden, still lots to do but oh boy I did enjoy myself it was absolutely brilliant being able to get down and do some work at last. Hope everyone is getting some of the sunshine we have had. Great day!!

19 Feb, 2016

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