Crocus angustifolius - 2016
By Andrewr

24 Jan, 2016
This specie crocus needs a warm, dry rest in the summer.
Comments on this photo
TT - it depends on what they are used to in the wild. While some crocus (like this one) come from warm areas, others are at home in mountainous areas and are not so likely to get a hot summer. Likewise some specie tulips, but is is safe to assume the cultivated ones do like a good baking (which is why they used to be dug up, dried off, and left in a sunny greenhouse for the summer). For dwarf iris, see the advice on crocus. Daffodils are more easy going - just let the foliage die down naturally before removing it.
24 Jan, 2016
Thanks, Andrew, for such a useful, detailed answer. :o)
25 Jan, 2016
How beautiful.....
25 Jan, 2016
Very nice they are so delicate, they are perfect for small pots.
30 Jan, 2016
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Andrew ... pretty Crocus ..
'Warm dry rest in the summer' ... is that the rule for most bulbs, please ... e.g. crocus, tulips, daffodils, mini iris ?
24 Jan, 2016