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Beaucarnea recurvata (elephant's foot, ponytail palm)

Beaucarnea recurvata (elephant's foot, ponytail palm) (Beaucarnea recurvata)

Oops, 4 years ago it was quite small. It has overgrown its space. Not closely related to the true palms

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To give you idea Klahanie. Its the same size as one I planted in 1992. Looking at that photo...the top has passed my bay area grown plant.
And- I'm glad to have what I have-lol.

Love those kind of photos.

29 Feb, 2016


Will it adjust its shape to fit the space or will it knock the wall down?

29 Feb, 2016


I would think it would be "The Blob" and meld over the hardscape..while pushing back hard on the wall.
To it,this is natural. Just growing in rock crevices to it.

29 Feb, 2016


Love it. Very interesting.

29 Feb, 2016



1 Mar, 2016


That's an old tree. There's several large ones at the San Diego Zoo this size and larger and they're more than 70 years old.

1 Mar, 2016


Do they really get that big lol !! I've got one in a pot in the living room. Looks like it will get too big in time.

2 Mar, 2016


Lol Hywel, you might need a new house...

2 Mar, 2016



They will never grow that big indoors in a pot. LOL! They can be kept small for decades in a pot. Once they're put into the grow then away they grow! LOL!

3 Mar, 2016


Thank you ... so I can stay in the same house and I won't need to raise the ceiling up higher :D

3 Mar, 2016


Yes, you can stay in the same house. LOL! :>)

I have seen them burst out of pots, though. Typically, it's when they're grown outdoors.

4 Mar, 2016


Here's one that is approximately 75 - 90 years old.

4 Mar, 2016


That is a spectacular specimen Delonix1.

4 Mar, 2016


I found it a bit scarey - don't you think it looks as though it might lift up from the ground and start marching about?

4 Mar, 2016



I think it's more than 80 years old. There's many large trees here in San Diego. B. stricta is very common, also. B. guatemalensis is grown to a lesser extent.

5 Mar, 2016



It's just a tree. When you see it in person, it's quite spectacular!

5 Mar, 2016


Well,mine did reach out and grab me once,Wizard of Oz like.
I'm still traumatized- wink.

5 Mar, 2016

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