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Just bought this cute bird house

Just bought this cute bird house

Hope it will be discovered soon. Its time for nesting.

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Hope the birds like it. We had two baby robins in the garden today - quite friendly, so maybe brothers?!

29 Apr, 2016


We also love birds around the garden Sheila. I feel like I should be doing something to it that it would not smell so new. Have a good gardening weekend.

29 Apr, 2016


Well, hopefully the birds will use the nesting box as it is. We didn't 'treat' ours, and it was used last year . .

30 Apr, 2016


anything yet?

30 Apr, 2016


I still do not see any interest in this one Greenfinger. Some of ours other ones have some activity around.

30 Apr, 2016


Shall look fordward to seeing a family making it a home

1 May, 2016


Me too Thrupennybit :-)

1 May, 2016

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