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watercolour just finished.


By Lindak

watercolour just finished.

Comments on this photo


Very cute! :-)

4 May, 2016


Made me flinch 'cause I thought it was real for a second. Nice work Linda, wow.

4 May, 2016


Thanks Ck and Paul. I have just got the brushes out again. I am working on a few pictures for a local chapel to help raise money with their renovation work to get a toilet put in. I've also got together two poetry booklets for the cause as well. They are a lovely small community who have a service once a month at this chapel, and are busy with other good works during the month as well.

5 May, 2016


Well done, looks very realistic.

5 May, 2016


Thanks DD. I finished a hedgehog picture yesterday. It's two hedgehogs eating from a bowl and the other hedgehog looking at some snails quickly departing.

6 May, 2016


I would like to see that..... will you put it on please Lindak....

7 May, 2016


I've just taken a photo for you DD. Hope you like it.

8 May, 2016

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