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Adenium obesum - Desert Rose Flowering

Adenium obesum - Desert Rose Flowering (Adenium obesum - Desert Rose)

My Desert Rose is flowering. It tends to flower in June; however, the last 4 or 5 years it has flowered early due to the very warm winters. Photo taken April 18, 2016.

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That is so effective and very pretty.

5 May, 2016


Thank you. It's not in full bloom yet.

5 May, 2016


If I had known back when they could be overwintered on my porch just fine (I think A.obesum too) I would have two large ones right now. I have just the A.arabicum.
But,Bloom like that? That's different. Foliage yes- I've done that on are hit and miss.
For next winter I might just build a very small Greenhouse...that can be taken down by this time of year.

We are close..Plummies,Papaya's,Pachypodiums...its that final bloom thing thats aggravating

6 May, 2016


This plant is 12 years old. It has always done well in this spot. It has always bloomed very well ever since it was a very small plant.

It's amazing it survived the first year. 2004 was the year we had 25 inches of rain. This plant was soaked constantly that winter. Maybe it survived being water-logged because it was still a very small plant or maybe it was just luck!

7 May, 2016

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