The Garden Community for Garden Lovers

Clematis Piilu

Clematis Piilu (clematis Piilu)

Just bought yesterday. Was on my list to buy for a year.
Of course bought many other plants in the same time.

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This is a lovely one and doubles up later.

22 May, 2016


Yes, it does. Do you have one Thrupennybit?

22 May, 2016


I did Klahanie I use to have about 30 clematis but being now in a wheelchair after an operation I could nt get to them and my children dont like gardening so my grand sons helped for a while but now they are working being older now so I only have a few mainly in pots now where I can reach them the rest were dug up and gone.

22 May, 2016


I have this on one of the 4 legs of pergola 2, but it is not flowering yet although Josephine and Multiblue are.

22 May, 2016


I am glad you can still enjoy some of the gardening even in wheelchair Thrupennybit. My OH wants me to slow down as well. We are not getting any younger. I am developing way too big gardens and someone will have to look after them, eventually.

Siris, I had to google Josephine and Multiblue. They are both pretty, the Piilu should bloom May/June(the tag said.)

23 May, 2016


Your husband is wise but gardening keeps you fit and good therapy too . I have had to change plants to make less work and weeding now plants that shade the ground to prevent so many weeds . I have a small garden compared with most on here no grass just wide boarders where the grass once was.

23 May, 2016


Klahanie..this is a beauty...i've just bought you,Thrupennybi, i now garden from a wheelchair..or rather, from my's different, but doable...

23 May, 2016

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