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Creeping Phlox

Creeping Phlox

I'm surprised how long this lasted - over a month of solid bubblegum pink. The color became more intense when I moved it to full sun location. It has a weed smothering habit. Easy to divide for more plants.

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I didn't know this was easy to divide - such a lovely plant, so I will try that, thanks.

23 May, 2016


You are welcome. All you do is uproot it then slice through the root ball with a clean sharp knife. Now you have two plant.

23 May, 2016


Is it best to do it after flowering, or wait until autumn?

23 May, 2016


Yes, wait for the flowers to fade, then give it a good trim. You can cut it back quite severely (easier to work with). It won't hurt the plant at all. Then just uproot, divide & replant. It will only bloom on new growth anyway so it should be trimmed back every year after flowering.

Don't wait until Autumn or you won't have flowers next spring. Do it soon after it flowers. It needs time to put on new growth, then set flower buds for next spring.

23 May, 2016


Thanks very much for the expert advice. The problem will be where to fit in the 'extra' plant!

23 May, 2016


You can keep dividing until you have tiny little plants & stick 'em anywhere you want.

23 May, 2016


Great idea :)))

23 May, 2016

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