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Not 'Flamingo Way'


By Siris

Not 'Flamingo Way' (Iris germanica (Orris))

Tall Bearded Iris, Pic one is what it should look like, bought in a pot with this label, from GC in France. Pic 2 what it actually looks like, very Tall, obviously an Historic. I have this already, or similar, which I call Pat's Mothers Pink.

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I hate it when they put the wrong labels on plants. Bought three supposedly Beauty of Livermore poppies last year, two flowered and were definitely not B of L. am awaiting with anticipation the third one to come out it has three buds and I am hoping it is B of L. we shall see. It can be quite frustrating!

30 May, 2016


still pretty Siris .... but sooo frustrating , I had this with a bramley apple tree turned out to be a Cox'x orange pippin !!! well miffed off as I only had space for two trees and didnt have the heart to take it out.

30 May, 2016


Olive, I am trying to only buy from reliable suppliers now.
Gg, Bramley a cooker, Coxes an eater? Hope the wrong one could pollinate the first one you have.

30 May, 2016


Beautiful flowers Siris and clever how you do that "double" thing.
Where I live Gg nearly everyone has a Cox's as Mr Cox lived in the village when he bred it all those years ago. We have Pippin's Park and Pippin's School too.

30 May, 2016


Hi Thorneyside

Informative .....

Siris wont mind me jumping the thread for one post

I know the grand-daughter of the guy that bred the Bishop of Llandaff Dahlia she is a florist so that runs in the family.....

Siris just had a look at "Flamingo way" and the one I looked at looked different to the one on the label , with daylily the soil type can affect the colour

Bloom Color Classification: Pink
Flower Patterns: Bitone
Bloom Color Description: White standards, pink tint on midrib; rich pink falls
Beard Color: Tangerine

30 May, 2016


Gg, the description is correct. National Gardening Association Data base says just that. Schreiner creation. Only the tone can vary, beard colour cannot change. And the standards are definitely not white or even cream on the imposter. Bought 4 in pots, hope the other 3 are correct.

30 May, 2016

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This photo is of "Bearded Iris 'Giant Rose?' (NOT 'Flamingo Way) " in Siris's garden

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