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Couldnt resist another of Lady of Shalott

Couldnt resist another of Lady of Shalott (Rosa Lady Of Shalott.)

Last one promise....

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Your roses are much further on than up here :O) love this rose so much. :O)

30 May, 2016


I do not blame you it is a beautiful rose.

30 May, 2016


Keep them coming..this is a beauty and I don't grow it so am enjoying your photos very much!

30 May, 2016


Thanks K, the wind has suddenly got up, which as you know plays havoc with roses, could do without that!!
Thanks HB...... pleased with the way she has come on this year...
Many thanks Klahanie and Olive...

30 May, 2016


She has such a clear colour. Hope the wind dies down soon. We have great weather here, but a very sick Terrier Again, and a very smelly house as a result.

31 May, 2016


They are beautiful. Keep them coming, please.

31 May, 2016


SO BEAUTIFUL AND SO ADVANCED. Mine are miles behind.

31 May, 2016


Oh no K...... that's not good is it? hope she will be OK?
Costa's, what's that saying about pride and fall? they have been ruined in the rain, such a shame :'(
Thanks Michaella, how are all your beautiful roses doing?

1 Jun, 2016


Lovely colour, fab rose.

4 Jun, 2016


Thanks Feverfew........

6 Jun, 2016


Gorgeous colour & looks so healthy. My Peace rose has just started to flower.

10 Jun, 2016


GF it is a lovely one, we bought the Peace rose from a well know German supermarket for £1.99!! and it has flowers, well buds I am amazed, we only put it in this spring...... have seen photos of it and it looks to be a real beauty?

12 Jun, 2016

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This photo is of species Rosa Lady Of Shalott..

See who else has plants in genus Rosa.

This photo is of "Rosa lady of Shalott" in Dottydaisy2's garden

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