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Candelabra Primulas


By Siris

Candelabra Primulas (Primula candelabra)

No 1 + No 2 = No 3.

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I have pink and orange. Pink is new.... added last year. Not the same pink as yours and the orange is very strong colour. Do they seed freely as the Primula vulgaris?

1 Jun, 2016


They cross pollinate easily, but they do not grow well here, it is too dry. These are in tubs on the pond shelf and then I pin any seed pods onto the soil in the pots.

1 Jun, 2016


Thank you Homebird, they are doing well this year with all the rain.

1 Jun, 2016


How clever.....

2 Jun, 2016


And I have been given a child of Millars Crimson, but not flowering yet.

2 Jun, 2016


I was going to ask if you wanted any seeds?

2 Jun, 2016


Thank you Dd, but I have limited damp spots.

2 Jun, 2016



3 Jun, 2016

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This photo is of species Primula candelabra.

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