Strange phenomena
By Sheilabub

4 Jun, 2016
1 like
Picked this leaf from Philadelphus Aurea today, and was amazed to see discolouration divided exactly in half!
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Nor me Sheila. There are one or two other 'mixes' on the shrub, but none so precisely as this . .
5 Jun, 2016
Fascinating to see something so exact as this produced by nature ( or fairies with small paintbrushes!)
5 Jun, 2016
Lol Chris - yes, it is intriguing (I like the idea of fairies with paintbrushes! )
5 Jun, 2016
Darn these fairies!
7 Jun, 2016
Lol Karen :)
7 Jun, 2016
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24 Mar, 2011
Top RH leaves half green, half lime; next pair green on left of stem, lime on right; third pair perfectly divided green on one side, yellow on the other. So strange . . . has anyone else experienced this?
4 Jun, 2016