Howea fosterana - Kentia Palm, Angels Trumpets
By Delonix1

14 Jun, 2016
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My Kentia palm is about 15' tall (4.6m). It was planted in 2005 from a 5 gallon pot. It's the tallest of the large three Kentia palms planted in front of the house. Photo taken June 13, 2016.
Comments on this photo
This one is almost as tall as the palm and some of my Angel's Trumpets are actually taller than this palm.
19 Jun, 2016
I was joking but now you've surprised me saying Angels Trumpets are as tall or taller than the palm!
21 Jun, 2016
Angels Trumpet in California can become trees in some area. In Santa Cruz on California's Central Coast they can grow easily to almost 30' (10m) tall. I've seen them 25' (7.6m) here in San Diego with regular watering.
Here's one not too far from me that's 25' (7.6m) tall.
I just wanted to add the Howea fosterana can grow very tall in more than 50' (16m) tall.
21 Jun, 2016
Thanks for the links, but you might like to post the 2nd link once again as you posted the same link twice but with no separation between them so it returns an error message.
I made a 2nd attempt highlighting only the first link & managed to get to the correct page.
22 Jun, 2016
Sorry about that.
23 Jun, 2016
The Angels Trumpets look as tall as your palm LOL!
19 Jun, 2016