Monstera deliciosa - Split-leaf-Philodendron
By Delonix1

14 Jun, 2016
This is another section of my Split-leaf-Philodendron in my back yard. Photo taken June 13, 2016.
Comments on this photo
Wow! That's amazing any could open the doors up there in the middle of the winter.
It's a very easy plant to grow here. It just needs be kept in-bounds it can take over a huge area. There's some at the San Diego Zoo that covers an acre or so under tall trees.
5 Jul, 2016
He smoked and felt bad that we had to suffer the second hand each night, just before bedtime he'd open the doors and the cold would roll in like smoke! Then satisfied that the air was fresh, he'd close things back up and we youngsters were off to snuggle under quilts and comforters. In later years he went outdoors for his puff.
I was trying to get my head around acres of philodendron! Wow!
6 Jul, 2016
I understand now. Smoke is horrible! I had so many family members who used to smoke, also.
I was trying to find the pic I took years ago at the San Diego Zoo of the huge area of Monstera deliciosa. Unfortunately, I couldn't find it. :>((
6 Jul, 2016
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my Mother loved these plants and tried to grow one as a houseplant, many years ago. How she fussed...but the poor philodendron didn't like my Dad's habit of "airing out" the house in the middle of winter... (that's a story best left untold).
4 Jul, 2016