Curryplant . Helichrysum
By Resinone

14 Jun, 2016
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is it an artemisia? Over here there's a little plant that grows in spring that's that silvery colour and it's called Pussytoes...for some reason. Pretty little thing...and I've toyed with the idea of bringing some of it into my garden. Maybe I should check to see if it smells like curry! And you have a beautiful columbine... another plant that doesn't like me! I love it but haven't had much luck. Was surprised to find it (the wild orange-red columbine) growing along the power lines...but I can't get it to grow in my garden! Hints?
14 Jun, 2016
No it's a Helichrysum. I added it to my 'my garden' for my records, but it comes up in my photos minus the description! I've had colombines in every garden I've had except for the french one! This year some exceptionally pretty ones have arrived. Strange they dont grow in yours, do you sow them direct? Spring or autumn?
14 Jun, 2016
I've had transplants, and nursery stock for the most part. I was given a small plant by my cousin last year (along with the lady's mantle) and come to think of it I had a lovely dark purple one in my town garden.. but the little columbine she gave me looks sad and doesn't look sturdy. Maybe some tlc is needed. This morning I was up very early and went up the hill to see the mess that the Ontario Hydro crew left. They have cut down two large maples and two large oaks and left the bleepin' ash trees. On a huge rock in full sun the little wild red columbine is's just finished flowering and there are seed I'm going back up this afternoon with the intention of bringing some plants down to the garden...and since they're growing in such a hot dry spot I'm going to put them in the front bed! I would imagine that they need vernalisation, so will scatter the seed..on the soon as they ripen. it's a bother to have to wait a whole year to find out if I did well or not! I think I'll move the struggling one from Lynda into the front bed too.
15 Jun, 2016
Good luck with the seeds. I wonder if they're not much happier just being scattered and doing their own thing rather than being messed about and mollycoddled and then being planted out where they don't want to grow. Maybe if you sow them in different spots you might find one they prefer. If you want some seed ever let me know. Mine always seem to pop up close to or i nbetween other plants. I have tried to move them but they sulk for an awfully long time before they pick up.
16 Jun, 2016
hmmm... maybe mine is just sulking. On the way up the hill to the columbine I noticed a mushy, muddy spot on the hill... realized it's a spring! Yesterday I dug out all the mud and underneath is a huge rock...the water is oozing out of it! I pulled all the muck away, exposed the rock, and placed rocks around the perimeter... Have been in town all day and need to go out to see if the water is collecting or just seeping back into the ground. Wouldn't it be a blast if it was a true spring?
16 Jun, 2016
Wow, that's good news. I didn't realize the hydroworks were on your land. So you might have your own well, would you consider having it piped down to the house?
17 Jun, 2016
the hydro that I referred to is the electricity company, M. Not sure I'd like the government (or government companies) having control over the water out here... My son was telling me that there are water smugglers now. Things are going from bad to worse in parts of the states and there's always someone willing to sell what ever they can.
It looks like there is water there but not enough to be a source. That's so far anyway... I'll have to work at it a bit.
20 Jun, 2016
Oh dear not an electricity pylon I hope..
20 Jun, 2016
The provincial gov't is in partnership with some speculators who are eyeing our forest hills for sites for huge wind turbines. The ground swell has started and some neighbours have signs on their property "No windmills"... as far as that goes they would be less invasive and would involve less habitat destruction than a large hydro-electric dam on the river! But, what we don't understand, we usually reject. I think what the locals are most afraid of is the "energy sector" mentality... they widen small country roads to bring in the huge machinery required for the erection of the huge pilons that the generators sit on... and they aren't shy about "allocations" ... they literally take "corridors" of land to string their wires and cables...and then impose upon the property owners with tree cutting and spraying of herbicides... It feels very unpleasant to watch the incursions. We came here for peace and quiet and we resent being imposed upon so that the company "Hydro" can sell our "excess"??? to the United States. It's a sore spot... sorry about the soap box lecture. :-(
21 Jun, 2016
Oh dear, that doesntesound good, lots of disruption then either way.
21 Jun, 2016
Unfortunately. There are a few righteous souls who are standing up in council meetings and town halls and telling the Ontario gov't and Hydro One that it's our land and they should be cognizant of that fact before they try to run rough-shod over us! Our provincial gov't has a majority mandate so who knows what they'll try to push through? I see all the debate and controversy about this stuff and I think "thank goodness I'm at this stage of my life...soon it won't be my problem anymore"...but our sons will be here to see how it unfolds and that's a source of worry.
24 Jun, 2016
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This photo is of species Helichrysum.
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This photo is of "Curryplant " in Resinone's garden
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Helichrysum Italicum Subsp. Serotinum
£8.50 at Burncoose -
Helichrysum Forever Mix Seeds
£1.99 at Suttons Seeds
I love the silvery foliage but when the flowers start they drown out all the lovely garden smells and hit you when you're anywhere near (and far if you're upwind from them) with that old curry aroma. I love making and eating curries, great fan but not when I'm gardening.
14 Jun, 2016