Giant Primula
By Siris

22 Jun, 2016
Primula florindae has these yellow flowers on the top of a 70 cm stem.
Comments on this photo
In my 'bog' garden. Actually it is a small shady area at the side of the conservatory, with the down pipe from the roof feeding it when it rains. Last year it was eaten to the ground by Sawflies? Thought it was a goner.
24 Jun, 2016
Oh dear, glad it recovered, the sawfly usually stay on my solomans seal and gooseberries.
24 Jun, 2016
And my Willow Gentian, all at the same time, decimated!
25 Jun, 2016
Are sawfly lava grey coloured ? Think I had them on my new Solomon's seal this year never had them before, all the leaves are nibbled
25 Jun, 2016
Goodness Siris, grrr. Yep Kathy, light grey, darn things, they soon get to work and wreck the plant. I pick them off and squash them, gloves on of course.
25 Jun, 2016
Yes, grey like Dawn says, plant intact one day, the next, covered in the blighters and getting bigger as you watch them nibbling away with their heads.
25 Jun, 2016
Yes, grey as Dawn says. Plant intact one day, the next nibbled and the blighters are getting bigger as you watch them chomping on your plants..... off with their heads.
25 Jun, 2016
They're horrible arent they Siris, and the speed of the damage is unbelievable.
25 Jun, 2016
Yes we gardeners are up against it all the time......pesky critters!!
28 Jun, 2016
Now, it's Gall Midge and Rats!
3 Jul, 2016
We have voles eating the strawberries.......
3 Jul, 2016
Just reminded me to put a reminder to remove my Gooseberry plant, hasn't fruited for several years, and it is even as I write, being reduced to a skeleton.
4 Jul, 2016
Wonder why gooseberries stop fruiting, even when pruned adequately? Well, if the sawfly have had their feed on the leaves, I agree time to chop.
4 Jul, 2016
Too shady a position I think, for the gooseberry.
6 Jul, 2016
Spooky Siris, its like you knew - you are right, they are in the shade, thank you.
6 Jul, 2016
I have 2 gooseberries on my plant, hardly a pie full.
11 Jul, 2016
18 Jul, 2016
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Nice, mine are still in bud, in a cool, damp spot I presume?
23 Jun, 2016