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Primulas candelabra still blooming

Primulas candelabra still blooming

Here with my chicken family.

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Good year here, with all the wet, for Candelabras, but mine have seed pods at the bottom and one whirl of flowers left at the top. Like your Chicks.

25 Jun, 2016


Thanks Siris. I hope they will seed. I am planning to plant them around my gunneras and yes they like it wet or at least moist.

25 Jun, 2016


I believe I can now grow Primulas, till the next dry spell!!!

26 Jun, 2016


Do you have it usually dry in Hampshire, Siris? Is this rain anomaly at this time of year?

27 Jun, 2016


My soil is plateau gravel so dries out quickly , but there is a clay pan about 2 ft down. The rain has been unusually ferocious this year, and frequent. I only have shrubs or climbers up the perimeter fences, which are thirsty for water, but densely planted with perennials within, which tend to stay quite compact.

27 Jun, 2016


Thanks Siris, looks like you know what you are doing. We have it very dry during summers and awfully wet in the winter.

28 Jun, 2016


I try not to struggle with plants that I know won't do for me, or that's the theory.

28 Jun, 2016

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