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WBR1#16 Unknown

WBR1#16 Unknown

Several years ago I got some seeds from someone who specializes in the polymorous types, but his cat had knocked the seed tray over and everything was mixed. This is one of those results, but it is a poly and a DIP.

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Ooooo now that's veeeery nice, looks huge!, I remember those seeds you got :-)

27 Jun, 2016


It measures 8" across - the same as Angel Fairy Tern x Judge Nancy.

27 Jun, 2016


"cat on a hot tin roof"

would be a good name


27 Jun, 2016


The color reminds me of the first Daylilly I ever tried. It was deciduous and half the size of the photo. It took another decade or two to learn there are evergreen and near ever blooming Day's.

4 Jul, 2016


My first named one was Red Volunteer. I have a friend who thinks the dormant types are weaker than evergreens because they die back. But here it is, July, and I have a lot that are reblooming; and a couple that are blooming for the first time.

5 Jul, 2016

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