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Amethyst Island x Cat Scratch Fever

Amethyst Island x Cat Scratch Fever

A rebloom on this one. The first time in April, it was a simple round eye. Now it has a spot on each side of the notch.

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Wow !!
I have a few starting at last the first seedling to open was the Rolling Raven x Affirmative that had the slight pattern last year the colour is much better this year and it still has its pattern ! Exciting, it was a bit nibbled though so waiting for a better flower for a picture.

27 Jun, 2016


That is the advantage I have - several of the new ones are reblooming and they look as lot better than the first group, this one for example.

27 Jun, 2016


Yes lucky you I have to wait another year ! ;-)
There is one I'm so glad I didn't get rid of, first year flowering 2014 it was lovely last year not a single scape it was nearly a gonna but I really liked it so gave it another year, this year it has 17 scapes !!!

27 Jun, 2016

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