Mango Fruit (Mangifera indica)
By Delonix1

27 Jun, 2016
This year is going to be a bumper crop for mangoes! This tree show how they're producing in San Diego this year. Although, I would never allow this many mangoes to set on a tree. It should be thinned out. Photo taken June 26, 2016. Sorry, it's not the best quality pics. It was taken into the sun.
Comments on this photo
That's terrific! With temps being so warm to hot up there it should be good for growing. They love heat!
I know some neighborhoods where practically every house has one or two mango trees here in San Diego.
27 Jun, 2016
Its been a crazy May- now. Yes,we have had a couple of cool streaks. But I've never seen this much warm for so long. Day after day of 80f. Ok,not burning hot..but well over our historic 73f average for June. The last few days its been mid to upper 80's. We've been hotter then Los Angeles many days..L.A.'s cooler zones. I can never tell when one website says L.A. 77f and the other website says 92f!
But yes,the Mango's are in perpetual growth right now..before a flush has hardened,I see a new one developing.
Its why I hurried to get the Champagne in the ground. Even the soil there is warm. My best spot.
28 Jun, 2016
Most of May here was cooler than normal. Now, I'm already annoyed with the heat! For about a week and a half it's been pretty warm to hot. Last Monday (06-20-16) it was 104ºF or so here. I hate the heat! The last few days it's been hot and humid...the monsoonal flow is coming full force this week. Yuck!
Yes, it's best to get the plants/trees in the ground when it's hot. More growth before late fall.
28 Jun, 2016
I've never seen Mango fruit on the tree before & I had absolutely no idea a tree could produce so many fruits like this one!
If it likes the heat it couldn't be grown practically anywhere in the UK - June was cool with lots of rain & it seems, at the moment at least, that July will follow a similar route! :-((
2 Jul, 2016
Bal, I guess somewhere in the UK's public greenhouses (Kew?,Living world?) they have them..but yes,tree sized and hanging down from those ropes,is wild.
So far,in the bay area I haven't seen the types that hang down like that. So far,short stemmed seem to take the cooler weather here. But,its new here to grow them. Things could change.
2 Jul, 2016
All across NA we're experiencing extremes... we had a very short winter that started in March and ended in late April...then we had dry cold... interspersed with a few days of sizzling heat. Not complaining about the heat, you understand! It been so windy and sunny that we're dry as a cinder. We're in an area where there is camping and cottage-ing and we cannot have fires for any reason..even cooking! .... no Canada Day bonfires, either.
Remembering those lovely Jacaranda seedlings from my town garden, Andy? If our weather gets much warmer, I'll be able to grow them here! Just kidding.
But Mangoes! Ahhhh! my very fave fruit. I always thought you had to live in a tropical swamp to grow them.
4 Jul, 2016
That's amazing that your mango is growing so well. They will definitely flush growth quickly during very hot spells. They love heat!
There's so many varieties of mango they all grow with their fruit hanging down. Some varieties hang down lower than others. The mangoes will be very good this year for people with mango trees. It's amazing to see the trees flowering again...the trees flowering now will have ripening fruit in winter.
5 Jul, 2016
Yes, soon you will be able to grow Jacaranda trees. lol!
I love mangoes! I wish I had a mature tree! I had a small tree a long time ago. It was in a corner and got crowded out by other plants. Mine died because mango trees absolutely require full sun all day to grow well and produce fruit.
The size of the tree posted is a perfect size ~15' (4.6m) tall. It's easy to pick the fruit.
5 Jul, 2016
I saw a video on the net that showed a man "carving" a mango ... first he peeled it, then he put it on a skewer, then he carved "petals" by starting at the wide base, cutting in almost to the seed, and pulling it forward and outward...doing this all around the fruit right to the top until it looked like a big yellow flower! It looked so yummy! you could enjoy it like an ice cream cone! Having a mango in your back yard would be heaven!
9 Jul, 2016
Andy,try again. It might only be 2 years to fruiting. Even one from seed for you wouldn't be much more then 4 years?
Lori,I like all my plants that look good,but do nothing. A mango however looks good ( I think) and produces something. A great combo reason for growing them.
9 Jul, 2016
It's only been about 4 years that I have been talking about getting another mango tree into the ground. LOL! :>)
It would definitely put planted into the middle of the back yard.
I would love to have a multiple cultivar mango tree (one that has more than variety grafted on it). They're expensive and usually one has to do it themselves.
10 Jul, 2016
On the internet - "The Vegan Athlete" on YouTube did a Arizona Mango taste test. He thought Baileys Marvel was the best -What I have,brag,brag. But the others liked one that tasted like coconut and another that tasted like Apple-Banana. If I had room,those would be fun to try. A coconut flavored Mango especially.
10 Jul, 2016
Yes, I know of many of those varieties. Many more varieties that were not thought to produce well (or at all) are producing very well in southern California. Like I always say: people use definitive answers too often! If you don't plant it, one will never know how well it will grow and produce fruit.
The varieties becoming very popular in San Diego are: Timotayo; Valencia Pride; Man doc mai; Keitt; Edward;
Hayden (of course); Tommy Atkins (not my favorite); CalRuby and there's more. The dwarf varieties or condo magno trees are extremely popular because they stay small and produce very well.
10 Jul, 2016
I just realized..I never posted photo's of last year's Baileys Marvel fruit here? I cant seem to find it if I did.
I lost last years photos too. Its why I have the new PC.
9 Aug, 2016
It happens. I've done that also. lol!
I always back up my photos on an external hard drive. My computer crashed a about 5 years ago and I lost a lot of photos.
10 Aug, 2016
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This photo is of species Mango Fruit (Mangifera indica).
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Those rounded fruit are much like my Baileys. I can hardly wait to see that. My tree is going into its 4th year in ground from just a stick a foot tall or less,and now has passed the fence in height!. Cel-e-brate!
27 Jun, 2016