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For Siris

For Siris

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Is that an Acidanthera? Can't see it clearly.

9 Jul, 2016


Did that come from me? Assume it is a corm? Thought I had sent Gladiolus byzantinus, which this is not, or G. papilio, which it doesn't look awfully like, or Acidathera, as Arbuthnot suggests?

9 Jul, 2016


Its the wrong time of year for Acidanthera though isn't it? Mine are only just starting to grow.
Yes it did come from you Siris, along with the byzantinus. (You can just see a fag end of that by my middle finger) Its pretty isn't it?.

One of life's little mysteries then.

I sent you a PM re the byzantinus - let me know if you don't get it.

9 Jul, 2016


Yes rather early for Acidathera flowers. Lovely whatever it is. Hardy Freesia ?? Pic to come ..for Stera, of a hardy Freesia.

9 Jul, 2016


I've never bought or knowingly been given a hardy freesia - not the sort of thing I'd forget, and must confess I didn't think to smell it.

9 Jul, 2016


Or an Ixia?

10 Jul, 2016


Certainly looks like it - but it must have got into the parcel by mistake because you certainly didn't mention sending one. Very glad to have it though! I have never had one before.

10 Jul, 2016


I keep trying to enlarge your photo. I think it is a Hardy Freesia. Came initially from my neighbour along the road.
Enjoy, while you can, they are not that hardy.

10 Jul, 2016


Wow, how fantastic is that? I wonder if I should bring it in for the winter.

11 Jul, 2016


If a so called hardy Freesia, do bring it in over winter. Enjoy!

11 Jul, 2016

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