By Stan510
- 14 Jul, 2016
- 1 like
She's got it,yeah baby she's got it.
Little banana's on Ice Cream. My first ever bunch of banana's. July 13....ready in October? That's one of our warmer months. So,hopefully it finishes it off ripe.
What a wondrous complicated bloom..all those fingers unseen until the blossom opens..Little Shop of Horrorish.
Comments on this photo
Andy- did you cut off the flower? I think I read some say to cut that off- puts more energy into the fingers.
BUT, my first try..I dont want to make a huge mistake.
14 Jul, 2016
Yes, you always want to cut the male flowers off. If the male flowers stay on they take energy from the fruit. The banana male flowers are very expensive in Asian markets.
15 Jul, 2016
Not this past winter, but the winter of 2014 -15 I had a huge bunch of Ice Cream bananas
(most of the time they ripen in summer or fall). I couldn't believed they ripened in January and were very good! Off course we've been having very warm to hot weather the last two Januarys.
I'm going to try to give my Ice Cream bananas more water because they're very good-tasting bananas.
15 Jul, 2016
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25 May, 2016
Most likely they're be ready in late November. They take around 4 or 5 months, sometimes more here to ripen. My Ice Cream banana plants look horrible because of the drought.
I love Ice Cream bananas! YUM!
I do see huge bunches of bananas everywhere here, though. They must have bloomed in February.
Did you ever see some of my banana varieties. They used to grow well here when we had rain. LOL!
14 Jul, 2016