Palm House in San Diego, CA
By Delonix1

30 Jul, 2016
This house has so many species of palms: Pinanga, Wodveitchia, Dictyosperma, Thrinax, and the list goes on-and-on. Photo taken July 26, 2016.
Comments on this photo
Yes, there's a Royal palm, variegated Wodveitchia. I'd like to get talk to the owners' of that house one day. They also have several varieties of Plumeria.
3 Aug, 2016
There's several clumps of Caryota mitis growing around San Diego. Caryota urens and gigas are the most commonly grown, though. Caryota mitis can look messy. It develops so many stems if not controlled.
3 Aug, 2016
I did see Andy an episode of "Hawaiian Life" on hgtv. There was a home with Dwarf Phoenix that had to be -more or less 20' with curvy trunks. I thought they looked so cool. Like mini coconut palms. So,not knocking them
3 Aug, 2016
They get really tall here, also.
Here's some that about that height.
There's two on each side of the walkway. The canopy was taken down about three years ago. I'll have to get some new pics of the four tall trees. They're located in Mission Valley where my friends live. The four trees are probably around 40 years old. The condos were built in the late 70's.
5 Aug, 2016
Those,are great San Diego "dwarfs". Just like the Hawaiian's..they transcend the usual look of them as squat chubby palms.
The old monarchs are slender,graceful..even the fronds are slightly different.
5 Aug, 2016
There's actually old, tall P. roebelenii in the SF Bay Area like the ones here. Some survived the 1972 and 1990 freezes. There's some really old ones in front of a restaurant off the 101 freeway close to the SFO. that have been there for 45 plus years. They are strange because the trunks curve out from the the building and then up. They're very interesting.
9 Aug, 2016
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I might have passed on the dwarf Phoenix..but since its on public property the at risk part might have been the reason for his planting them.
I wish Caryota mitis could be grown here..stays in scale,no mass die off (where its suited) so nothing big to remove after flowering and suckers to replace the dead stems.
He's got the big Royal and the hardy Vetchia cross.
2 Aug, 2016