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"Lawn cut... Now time for a cat nap"

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That's a very pretty one! Is she trying to convince us she cut the grass herself?

18 Aug, 2016


You would think so wouldn't you, just by the way she is sprawled out there! Truth is she sits there and watches me do it. She is lovely though, so she gets away with hogging the swing while I do all the work Lol. ?

18 Aug, 2016


You know Maggie,managing the lawnmower/gardeners tired her out.
She's dreaming of anchovies.

17 Sep, 2016


I think you are right there Stan. That and salmon! Shame she only gets "whiskas cat food" instead though! ?

17 Sep, 2016


Hi Maggie .. That's a pretty cat !

18 Nov, 2016


Hi terratoonie... she is.... and she is so funny..... she loves strokes and if you stop she gets her paw and literally taps you with it until you start again. She is a real character. I have another cat too, she is so so vocal and and talks
( meows) to you none stop! Lol. Also have a jack Russell
Who is madly jealous of them both! Lol ?

18 Nov, 2016


What a lovely trio of pets, Maggie.
Looking forward to seeing photos of the others when you have the opportunity.

18 Nov, 2016


I will put some up soon.... promise! ?

18 Nov, 2016


Thanks... I like the yellow smile you use... is it a special key ?

18 Nov, 2016


I use my iPhone instead of a computer or lap top to go onto the G.O.Y. site, and the smiley face is one of many symbols ect.. that you can use from the phone. The symbols are officially called "emoji's", goodness knows why though!Lol ?

18 Nov, 2016


? I managed to make one by copying yours .. ha ha
Yes, they are emojis ... lots of good ones around ..
but I don't think I can generate them on my laptop. I don't have a mobile phone.
?Thanks for explaining. ?

18 Nov, 2016's a few more.??????????

18 Nov, 2016


Thank you Maggie ...

18 Nov, 2016


Ok you win. Ahahahaha. ?

18 Nov, 2016


Ha ha ... I've just used the your smile emoji on some other blogs... couldn't resist .. ha ha..?

18 Nov, 2016


Spread the smiles terra.... lol. ?????????

18 Nov, 2016


Lovely little cat...and she looks so content too.

24 Nov, 2016


Thanks Linda, she's such a character, she loves her strokes and if you stop mid way through, she gently taps you with her paw to remind you to carry on. She leads a charmed life! Lol ?

24 Nov, 2016


Sorry, it's the wrong colour?

6 Dec, 2016


Oh no..... where the paint pots! Lol ?

7 Dec, 2016


Looks like a happy cat. Mine runs under the bed whenever he sees me. :O

10 Apr, 2017


Oh no Bathgate, what on earth are you doing to scare your cat under the bed! Lol.
And yes my cat "kitty" is definetly a happy little thing.
She thinks she owns the place now though along with my other cat "co-co". (Since my dog "sniffy" sadly died a few weeks back the pair of them have ventured into what used to be the dogs territory, they do not seem to miss her at all!) I on the other hand miss her greatly! Still life goes on doesn't it!

11 Apr, 2017


Hi Maggie. Thanks for inquiring about my cat Costello. My cat has never been loved like he is with me and I think he's overwhelmed to be honest. He's not used to having toys, his own feeding dish, a big house he can run all he wants, a big garden he can run & play all he wants, real trees to climb, neighboring cat buddies to play with. no tiny over crowed cages, plush toys, I got him a three level kitty duplex cat condo with 3 kinds of beds & searching posts. gourmet cat food, kitty treats, etc. He has real freedom to come and go. I like to pick him up & cuddle him. I think sometimes he prefers to be left alone. I'm just guessing here, but I'm not sure exactly why he runs. It's baffling to me. However, IF he's on his 'special chair' or in his cat condo, or at his 'special window' or if I have a bag of kitty treats in my hand, he's very calm & relaxed and he could be funny at times. His phobias came with him from the shelter I adopted him from. I don't know what his life was like before I found him, but he was just a tiny 4 month old kitten in an over-crowded cage. I don't think he's ever been outside that cage. He's never been outdoors at all before I adopted him. He's scared of strangers, loud noises, door slams, telephone, the vacuum cleaner or new things. He never ran, played or explored. When I just brought him home, he was very wobbly like he didn't know what his legs were for. He kept falling down and his legs were all uncoordinated - like he was just learning how to walk/run. If I take him outside in the garden, he's over stimulated by everything outside, the wind, the grass. the sun, swirling leaves, a passing jet plane, another cat, a bird all frightened him. He would beg to go back inside the house. Everything is new to him. He's much better now, then when I just got him and I see him vexed and trying to conquer his demons. He never bites or scratches. Once I cradle him in my arms, he get's all sweet and relaxed. I wish I knew more. I had him for a year and a half. He tries to fight his demons. I wish I knew how to help him. He has his moments when he's cute as could be and he makes me laugh at times, but then his phobias are always lurking in the background.

Here is his picture:

13 Apr, 2017


Wow Bathgate Costello sounds like he is living the life of a king with you, he's a very lucky boy! Mind you he probly deserves it after having such a bad start to his life in his previous home, ( I guessing that's maybe where his phobias/demons /issues have came from). It's very lovely to hear you rescued him too.
It sounds like he may take his time but hopefully he will gradually blossom with more confidence and come out of himself more. Especially as he sounds like he trusts you lots to let you and cradle him. He must be a lovely softy at heart as no biting/scratching considering all he has been through it really good! He certainly looks it too, he is a beautiful looking cat, and his black coat looks very smooth and shiny! ( must be from all the good food your giving him). Only a thought and maybe I'm wrong in thinking this, but I wonder if you got another kitten do you think it might help him in anyway at all?

13 Apr, 2017


Thank you for you support. You seem to have a deeper understanding then I do. I just keep loving Costello. He is getting much better now. Instead of running upstairs and under the bed when he sees me, he now just runs half way up the stairs, then stops and begins to cry. He seems scared until I pick him up. I just need to break that impulsive response he has to run away and hide. I don't know how he would react to me adopting another cat. I'd have to research. Our neighbor's cat comes over and there are some ferel cats in the neighborhood that come over as well. They all seem ok together but they each have their own kingdom and the visits are very short. Maybe a small dog? Boston Terrier? A Boxer? Something to consider. I agree, it would help him out of his "shell" and build confidence.

13 Apr, 2017


Your very welcome Bathgate! Really hope he progresses well, am sure he will given time and especially with your great love and care that you give him too! Look forward to more updates/pictures on him in the future. ??

14 Apr, 2017


Thank you. I think Costello just needs to realize that he is safe now and loved. Once I start stroking him, he melts like butter in my arms. lol

14 Apr, 2017


Aaahh..... he will Bathgate I'm sure. ?

14 Apr, 2017


It sounds as though you are doing all you can Paul. Just love and patience will surely get through to him eventually.
Recovering from trauma isn't a five minute job but he's well on the way to trusting you. So glad he's found a good home.

14 Apr, 2017


I totally agree stera ??

14 Apr, 2017

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