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Papayas and Plumeria

Papayas and Plumeria (Pluemeria, Papayas)

Hundreds of Plumeria and a hundred or so papayas plants. Photo taken from my former neighbor's house on Aug. 30, 2016.

Comments on this photo


Its owned by somebody else? Or you once lived in that part of SD?

7 Sep, 2016


Yes, it's my former neighbor. I lived a couple houses down from him.

This is only a couple miles south from where I live now.

7 Sep, 2016

Comment on this photo

Pictures by Delonix1
5627 of 6747

What else?

This photo is of species Pluemeria, Papayas.

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    Gardening with friends since
    13 Apr, 2009

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