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morning's glory in the sunshine!


By Lori

morning's glory in the sunshine!

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Mine has scrambled up beautifully....very healthy.....but not 1 flower...:<(

13 Sep, 2016


I was surprised with the dryness that they survived let alone that they bloomed! I know you don't have that problem, Moti. Maybe you will have some by October?

14 Sep, 2016


I've tried & tried to grow Morning Glories but they never thrive for me.☹️

17 Sep, 2016


My Mom loved Morning Glories and I can't remember a summer of my childhood that she did not have a whole wall of them on strings! I didn't plant my own but bought a couple of seedlings at a plant sale/swap and put them in the ground under the thriving clematis virginiana and the not-so-thriving wisteria. These are not the Heavenly Blue that I remember and love..but they are blooming and climbing. the Clem only grew halfway up the obelisk and the wisteria sulked it's way to the top with the MG. The wisteria looks weak and the leaves seem small. I just pray it makes it through the coming winter. If not, more MG!

18 Sep, 2016


I see one bud about to you could be right Lori....

18 Sep, 2016


:-) Yay!

19 Sep, 2016


We used to grow these when we lived down the road. It was a south facing garden. They produce some lovely coloured flowers but they don't last very long.

6 Oct, 2016


just the morning... but glorious! LOL...

8 Oct, 2016


Well said Lori!!!

8 Oct, 2016

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