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Dahlia Nadia Ruth

Dahlia Nadia Ruth

In the shadow of Cornus.

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Nice color. I like how it catches the sunlight.

16 Sep, 2016


Thank you Bathgate.

16 Sep, 2016


another beauty ...still more of it to open as well

I think earwig heaven in the UK this year its the most I have seen in years ... anyone else having problems

thats a thought do you have earigs ?

16 Sep, 2016


We have some earwig GG, but not really a problem I would say less this year than previous. I have not seen one in months. Thank you for your comment.

16 Sep, 2016


I can't remember the last time I even saw one. I don't like them.

16 Sep, 2016


I know odd but they like living under the roof on my beehives and I dont mean one or two but 10 or more.

16 Sep, 2016


That sounds odd Gg. I know they like to hide in dahlias if they are around.
I do not like them either Bathgate.

16 Sep, 2016


Earwigs love dryness and colonize as well. give me the creeps, they do. they are tough as nails and hard to squish. We are just getting our bees back in normal numbers so I'm very reluctant to use chemicals on them. Have heard that they might not be as harmful as slugs and eat dead vegetation and decaying OM. They sure are high in the YUCK factor though. Newspaper and burlap can be used as a trap... they don't fly so traps usually work best.
I love that Dahlia. Will make note for next season. My sister's name was Ruth and that would be a lovely memorial.

17 Sep, 2016


Lori, it is a very nice dahlia (not huge but not small either) and your sister would be pleased with it. I dunk my dahlias in the bucket of water before I bring them to the house to get all the critters living in it out.

17 Sep, 2016


...and of course this morning I just moved a flower pot and about 100 earwigs scurried everywhere. I much prefer spiders to earwigs.

17 Sep, 2016



18 Sep, 2016


earwigs are amazing mothers .....

18 Sep, 2016

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