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Pink Guava..


By Stan510

Pink Guava.. (Psidium guava)

As I add to the tropical fruit collection- with backing from the wife- I now have Lemon,Red Malaysian and now Pink. The lemon is a small Guava like small tomatoes...the ones bigger then cherry.
The Pink is biggest of the three..its like a large Lemon or even Orange can take big bites into it as the skin is edible.
What I also like? The label said "pick fruit the first year".
That's a huge plus. I'm not interested in 3-5 years waiting anymore.
One last I read that I hope is can flower in flushes all year. Sounds too good to be true. But..

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It looks terrific! It grows really fast.

24 Sep, 2016


My niece said in the Phillipines its just as big as my Sapote tree. I prune everything! worrys it will get too big.
I feel good about this one- it even looks fast growing and hardy.
I swear when I watered it and hosed the leafs down? It looked like it enjoyed it.

24 Sep, 2016


Yes, most guavas will grow to 15 - 25' tall. Tropical guavas are so common here. I so many large tree in people's yards here.

My tree is 15 - 17' tall.

25 Sep, 2016


As always,until you plant one,you don't notice or recognize them. Like when you buy a car? From I'm the only one to "everybody has one like that".
So today I saw a Guava tree planted in a yard that I knew had Banana and Cherimoya's for years now. Only this time Andy,I saw Guava foliage in between. About 6'? and solid foliage.

25 Sep, 2016



Yes, it's always like that...until you buy one. lol.

Tropical guava is pretty tough. It will grow really fast in the SF Bay Area. This is as long as it gets regular water and fertilizer. I had one in Mission San Jose. I purchased it as a small gallon plant at Regan's Nursery and it grew to 8 - 9 feet within a bout two years. I trained it as a small tree and it was very beautiful! Once it gets to the height you want it's best to continue to cut the tips. It'll branch out very quickly!

27 Sep, 2016


Youtube has a few vids that say prune Guava's for best production.
They have a really nice trunk..sort of like Crape Myrtles right?..when they get larger.
I hope they are sweet enough. I know in Asia they love guava's that are even sour. I have the American palate.

27 Sep, 2016


Yes, the trunks are very ornamental! Guava is in the myrtle it going to have a nice trunk.

I have guavas ripening all over my large tree. They falling on the ground, everywhere. I need to pick many off the tree. I have to wait until the weather cools down a little. It's been sweltering here! I hate it! It still roasting tonight at almost 11:00 p.m. (it was suppose to cool down today).

29 Sep, 2016

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This photo is of species Psidium guava.

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