The Garden Community for Garden Lovers

from the bbq looking up to the raised bed.

from the bbq looking up to the raised bed.

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Your garden is looking great Barbara. I so agree with your wish for a sunny October.

29 Sep, 2016


thank you Waddy hope you are getting some of this sunshine even if it is a bit windy. :O)

30 Sep, 2016


As always, I love your garden, a wonderful place to explore I bet!

30 Sep, 2016


Well I enjoy it and now Lottie is loving walking around, smelling the flowers and sometimes plucking the petals. She will learn as she gets older. (Hopefully) :O)

30 Sep, 2016


Eliza's at the same stage I think. She loves to potter round the garden smelling the 'fowers' She bends right over with her bum stuck up in the air and takes a big sniff. It so funny to see. She also loves to dig in large plant pot of compost with her own pink trowel transferring the compost to smaller plant pots and patting it down. Messy but fun.

2 Oct, 2016


We have not started on compost YET! but we spend a lot of time in the front garden with her sandpit and slide and swing. She loves tap tap tapping in the sand tray. lol :O) and she collected lots of shells and pebbles on her trip to the sea side so loves sorting them and playing with them. She will be two at the end of November and thinks she is already a big girl lol growing up far too fast.

3 Oct, 2016


Looks a lovely garden to explore, my little grand-daughter is just a few weeks shy of 6 mths & has just had her first taste of pureed food. We're a ways off mud pies yet, lol.

3 Oct, 2016


she will grow up quickly Gf. make the most of it. Lottie has collected apples and raspberries this morning. The apples were for the crumble which she helped make. Now she is watching Peppa Pig. She ate the raspberries lol :O) she takes after her mum who loves them. lol.

4 Oct, 2016


You're lucky to be able to see Lottie regularly, sadly my updates are mostly by photo's & text due to distance.

5 Oct, 2016


that's a shame but my four other grandchildren live away too and are all grown up now. Lottie is the latest addition so being only 15 or so miles away is the nearest and we have her while mummy and daddy work, just two days but sometimes more if needed. Mummy is pregnant and new baby is due in first week of February so fingers crossed we shall all be having fun in the new year and pushing two around lol. all good fun and keeps us out of mischief. lol :O)

5 Oct, 2016


Oh, you kept that quiet, Barbara or did I miss a blog? A little brother or sister for Lottie, how exciting!

5 Oct, 2016


No Waddy have not mentioned it before I don't think. lol. There was some concern at first but we are all assured by the medical teams that things are going to plan and everything should result in a healthy little sprog in February. Little sister Sam is excited she is convinced it is a boy and as it is near her birthday is hoping it will be a few days late. lol. fingers crossed they get there dreams to come true. We are not bothered as long as they are all ok. as is the wish for most grand parents I suppose.

6 Oct, 2016


So true, that's why I'm not keen on these baby showers they have now, much prefer to wait till mother & babe are safely delivered.

7 Oct, 2016


I with you all the way there GF. Plus after all that 'hard work' it's nice to be told 'it's a .... Mrs...' not know already!

7 Oct, 2016

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